Restaurant Survival Guide
Posted by estiator at 8 May, at 14 : 27 PM Print

Valuable resources to help you through 2020.
Small Business Guidance & Loan Resources
The Small Business Administration is administering the loans under the CARES Act. Visit their site dedicated to helping businesses obtain the aid they need.
Regulations for Restaurants By State
State-to-state regulations for restaurants are different and evolving. Visit this link to stay on top of the regs in the state where you do business.
Government Requirements of Restaurants Operating During the Pandemic Crisis by state/county/city.
Information on Paid Sick and Safe Time Laws
What are the implications of labor laws for employees that miss work because they’re sick, or for any other reasons during the pandemic?
Coping with the Cost of Sick Leave
Paid leave for workers and tax credits for small and midsize businesses to swiftly recover the cost of providing coronavirus-related leave.
Opening Up America Again
This White House document outlines what states, organizations, businesses and individuals need to consider as the country prepares to loosen social distancing regulations.
ServSafe COVID-19 Resources
The industry’s largest foodservice training organization’s guidance on COVID-19
Restaurant Equipment for Sale
A resource for used equipment as many restaurant owners decide or are forced to close permanently.
Creating a Takeout and Delivery Menu
You may have a great takeout menu, or you may be struggling. In any case, it’s good to tap the menu experts to see how to create a takeout menu, or to make sure yours is hitting all of the important marks.
Everything You Need to Know About Contactless Delivery
Understanding what the customer expectation is and how to execute delivery service in the era of COVID-19.